
Dietary guidelines and tips to lose weight

Here are some recommendations on the best food choices to do to make the weight loss process continues and you reach establishing and maintaining a healthy weight.
The most important rule remains only eat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are full, regardless of the quality of selected foods.
These recommendations:
  • take into account the concept of energy density ;
  • should allow you to lose weight and you feel of tiredness or great hunger ;
  • make sure that you do not have to control excessively what you eat;
  • make sure that you do not need to calculate calories ;
  • will take you without depriving you stop eating naturally because you will no longer hungry .
IMPORTANT. For health , weight loss should not exceed 1 kg (2 pounds) per week . We advise you to proceed without haste and experience each recommendation individually.

1. Opt for low energy density foods

The best way to lose weight - and keep a healthy weight - is to increase the consumption of satiating foods, according to the concept of energy density 1 .
Of healthy eating habits and physical exercise: an inseparable couple. What type of physical activity would you enjoy to help you maintain your weight long term?
This is to choose foods that contain a small amount of calories compared to their volume: fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals and legumes.
High in fiber, water and nutrients, these foods occupy an important place in the stomach from eating them, thus contributing to satiation.
By focusing on foods with very low or low energy density, you feel satiated without consuming a lot of calories.

2. Limit fat

Without insisting on the calorie content of foods, be aware that it is the fat that provide the greatest number of calories per gram: 9 compared to 4 for protein and carbohydrates.
In addition, fatty, despite their high energy, less satiating than protein. To lose weight, fat should not exceed 30% of calories total.
It is therefore important to know which foods contain too much fat and it would be better not to consume regularly. By cons, it is not about banning fatty foods.

Remember to read the nutrition label

Weight Problems: dietary recommendations and menus for weight lossThe fats are listed there as "  fat  ". If the percentage of the daily value (DV) does not exceed 5% , it is a food that can be described as "  low fat  ".

3. Focus on protein

To reduce calories easily, we need to eat foods that satiate.The proteins are the consistent part of a meal. They are very important in a balanced diet because it is they who satiate best and provide a stable energy (unlike sugars that give a short burst of energy).
They act as the cruise control found on some car models.Consume at each meal, in the morning, helps to provide energy to the body in the day and prevents cravings. To lose weight without starving the protein should represent at least20% of calories total.
Some foods rich in protein
  • nut butter (almond, hazelnut, cashew, etc.)
  • natural peanut butter (no sugar or additives)
  • egg
  • seafood
  • fish
  • legume
  • lean meat
  • poultry
  • soy beverage
  • Milk, yogurt, cheese
  • nutritional yeast

4. Focus on fiber

The dietary fiber act in two ways to reduce appetite and promote calorie control. On one hand, they slow the absorption of sugar in the blood. On the other hand, they swell by absorbing water and thus provide stomach the feeling of being filled.
To control weight by a healthy diet, it is recommended to consume 25 g to 35 g of fiber per day .This can be done easily: 3 fruits, 4 vegetables, 5 grains whole grains. Adding some legumes, nuts and seeds, you'll get even more.
Tips to Increase fiber intake
  • For bakery products (flour, bread, bagel, crackers, etc.), always choose whole grain version: whole wheat or spelled, but also whole wheat and other grains.
  • Do it yourself its juice and keep some pulp to mix the juice at the end.
  • Add chopped nuts and seeds (sunflower, sesame, coarsely ground flaxseed, etc.) in yogurt, pudding and homemade muffins.
  • Add legumes (white or red beans, chick peas, etc.) to salads and vegetable soups.

5. Consuming an adequate number of servings of fruits and vegetables

It is important to achieve the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, as they are low in calories and are full of antioxidants , fiber and water. A meal with 50% of the base is made ​​up of fruits and vegetables is more likely to quickly fill to a smaller amount of calories a plate whose content is low in fruits and vegetables.
Servings recommended for women age 19 to 50 years: 7-8
Servings recommended for men age 19 to 50 years: 8-10
A serving is: 
- ½ cup unsweetened fruit juice 
- ½ cup vegetables 
- 1 fresh fruit or ½ cup of fresh fruit 
- 1 cup salad

6. Drink lots

Liquids can not only fill the stomach when the false appetites seize us, but they also affect the body moisturizing, supporting it in its process cleaning and promoting chemical reactions. Liquid, we will: 
- water (source, tap, bottled) 
- teas 
- milk and soy drinks 
- natural fruit juice (no sugar) and vegetable juice 
- tea and coffee
Water alone should be the main source of liquid consumed.
On average, women need 2.2 liters (8 cups) of fluid per day; and men of 3 liters (12 cups) per day.

7. Take a snack in the afternoon

A nutritious snack in the afternoon proves beneficial because it prevents hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which, when they occur, take you to eat anything (sweet foods, in general).
By taking a snack about 1-2 hours before going to dinner (of course if you experience hunger), then you eat more reasonable amounts for the evening meal. To be nutritious and well support the body, the snack should contain protein and carbohydrates .
Examples of healthy snacks 
- 5-6 walnuts and 2 dates 
- fat yogurt, sugar and 1 tsp. Hemp seed table or ground flax seeds 
- 30 g of cheese (not more than 15% fat), vegetable juice and raw vegetables 
- 1 cup soy milk (unflavored) and 5-6 nuts 
- ¼ cup soy beans 
- 30 g cheese (no more than 15% fat) and 1 apple 
- ½ cereal bar (high fiber) and 1 cup skim milk

8. a meal lighter evenings

More night approaches, the less the body needs energy, and therefore calories, so that the evening meal should not exceed 30% of calories for the day.
For proper meal, you can follow the model developed by Harmony Health nutritionists, shown here against.
  • Choose a dish of medium size.
  • In one half of the plate, place vegetables.
  • In fourth, place a portion of starch (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, potatoes with skin, multigrain crackers, whole grain bread). The size of the palm of the hand about.
  • In the other quarter, place the serving of meat or substitute (lean meat, poultry, fish, tofu, eggs, low fat cheese, seafood, etc.). A little smaller than a deck of cards.
  • Adjust portions according to your satisfaction. If you're still hungry, take it! The portions here are indicative only.
  • Take time to eat quietly.

9. Consume dairy products

An intake of less than 600 mg of calcium per day would slow weight loss and encourage the consumption of fat, this is what a study published in 2009 showed. According to the researchers' hypothesis, "the brain perceives a lack of calcium and seeks to compensate by spurring food intake" 3 .
But be careful because if you already consume enough calcium, extra grip will not make you lose weight even more, hence the importance of carefully calculate how much you take before increasing your daily intake to lose weight.
A healthy menu for weight loss should include at least 2 servings of low fat dairy products to achieve at least 600 mg of calcium.
Examples of one serving of milk
- 1 cup (250 mL) milk (cow or goat), skim or 1% fat (fat) 
- ¾ cup (175 mL) yogurt (cow or goat) 0% mg 
- 50 g cheese (cow or goat) 15 mg% or less.
There are other sources of dietary calcium . Visit our Awards nutrients to know the main sources of calcium.

10. Stimulate thermogenesis

Thermogenesis is the metabolic process that converts food into energy . Certain nutrients and foods would increase more than others thermogenesis but modestly.
This is particularly true of proteins , green tea and cayenne pepper. In one study, the active ingredients of green tea (catechins and caffeine) and those of cayenne pepper (capsaicin) combined with calcium and tyrosine increased very modestly (about 2%) the energy expenditure 4 .
According to a meta-analysis, it appears that Westerners are less responsive to the effects of active ingredients of tea on energy expenditure that Asians 5 . So far, the literature shows that to produce a greater effect, the doses of green tea to take would be too large and would be associated with a high caffeine intake.
Incorporating green tea diet can not hurt, but it is not a panacea.
In terms of cayenne pepper , a recent study found that an extract of cayenne was more powerful than a placebo in reducing abdominal fat in obese people. By cons, there was no difference in total weight loss in both groups 6 .
By cons, although proteins are also increasing only modestly thermogenesis, they must be present in sufficient quantity in the menu, because beyond their effect on thermogenesis, they increase thefeeling of satiety and protect part of the fabric muscle degradation during weight loss.
The act of moving after a meal, as a walk , increases metabolism resulting from the thermic effect of food, in addition to lead to energy expenditure.

