
Slimming diet to lose weight

To play the sirens summer or prepare for year-end holidays, you want to lose some small extra pounds? Doctissimo offers 15 days of slimming menus that will help you achieve this goal! Each time his program to follow without faltering to feel lighter ...

Winter slimming regime

Winter slimming regimeWinter is here and with it the holiday meals. Around a table, family gatherings and friends will succeed. In anticipation of these feasts, lighten your diet by following the plan you propose Doctissimo.

Slimming diet was

Slimming diet wasThe warm weather arrives and you start to be worried: will succeed you get back your light clothing? Do not panic! Doctissimo is there to help you melt! With our 15 days of slimming menus, do not be afraid of the summer! Extra pounds will disappear without you realizing it! So stay Zen and follow our tips to lose weight without suffering

Special slimming diet celebrations

Special slimming diet celebrationsPlease note that the end of the year approaching! Because Doctissimo think of you, we have prepared a slim, simple and effective program.Discover now our advice and our two weeks of menus. To be continued to be beautiful for Christmas!

Slimming diet for couples

Slimming diet for couplesIn these plans, the union is strength! For how to pay attention to your diet if your spouse engulfed gratin potatoes and other religious chocolate? Share her diet is the key to success ... Provided to read tips and follow unswervingly two week special slimming menus couple ... To find the line in any complicity.

